Superboy in "The Blind Boy of Steel"
After a kryptonite meteor is destroyed by lightning nearby, Superboy gains a case of "diamond vision," turning everything he looks at to diamond. So he must operate blindfolded until Krypto can find a cure.
An untitled Tricksy strip.
Aquaman in "The Octopus Man"
A scientist is experimenting on sea life with his brain-wave transmitter. When Aquaman tries to stop him, he transfers Aquaman's mind into different fish.
"What's your B.Q.?"
Green Arrow in "The Green Arrow's Mystery Pupil"
Millionaire Hector Vance offers a million dollars to charity if Green Arrow will teach him archery. Shortly after the archery lessons stop, The Crimson Archer starts a crime spree and Green Arrow learns that Hector Vance is really underworld kingpin Herb Vraney.