"Amazing Heroes Newsline"
Publication news for early 1993 from both Marvel and DC comics.
"Silly Cover #79, New Mutants #1"
"Coming Distractions"
November newsstand checklist for most publishers.
"The New Mutants"
An article detailing the series and providing forthcoming news on Bob McLeod’s New Mutants series from Marvel Comics. Bob also includes some of his own original art pieces for some of the new Mutants books he has done so far.
"Green Arrow"
An article to brings everyone up to date on DC Comics' Green Arrow.
"Namor Rex"
An article bringing the Sub-Mariner, Namor MacKenzie's history up to date.
"A guide to Marvel reprints, part III"
Going from Daredevil to Fantastic Four for reprint information.
"Grading Comic Books"
"Comic Reviews"
Taking a look at future Nexus and New Teen Titans projects.
"Amazing Readers"
Fan letters
"Info: Where, What, Who...."
This issue has several pages each of reprinted newspaper strips of Star Wars and Star Hawks.