"Godzilla: Blast from the Past, Part 2"
"Predator: The Pride of Nghasa, Part 2"
"James Bond: Light of My Death, Part 4"
"Aliens: Taste"
*This month Dark Horse Comics takes you from the bottom of the ocean to the jungles of Africa, from the pyramids of Egypt to the depths of outer space. This globe- (and galaxy-) spanning issue features the titanic might of Godzilla, King of the Monsters in part 2 of "Godzilla: Blast from the Past"; the savage fury of Predator in part 2 of "Predator: The Pride at Nghasa"; the limitless tenacity of James Bond, agent 007, in part 4 of "James Bond: Light of My Death"; and the fathomless cunning of Aliens in "Aliens: Taste" -- all wrapped up in a monstrous cover by Arthur Adams! *Source: darkhorse.com