"The Wild Men of N'Gara" featuring Kaanga.
Story written by Frank Riddell and illustrated by Maurice Whitman; 9 pages.
Untitled story featuring Wambi the Jungle Boy.
Story written by Roy L. Smith and illustrated by Henry Kiefer; 4 pages.
"Ethel - the Lioness"
Text-only story, written by Clyde Beatty; 2 pages.
"The Death-Man of Angola", a Mysteries of the Jungle feature.
Story illustrated by Tony D'Adamo; 4 pages.
Untitled story, a Jungle Tales feature.
4 pages,
Untitled story featuring Tiger Girl.
Story written by Allan O'Hara, penciled by Alex Blum, and inked by Matt Baker;
Cover illustrated by Maurice Whitman.