"Magnus vs. North Am!"
When a group of unscrupulous robot manufacturers want to pressure Magnus to stop his warnings to the public about the robot threat, they bring trumped-up charges against him, accusing him of being an alien, and of the recent theft of robot technology. Magnus wants to protect the secrecy of his "father", robot 1-A. Rather than be forced to divulge his upbringing, he runs from the law until he can clear his name. He finds that his accusers are behind the thefts, and with Leeja and 1-A's help, he exposes the scheme.
- Story written and illustrated by Russ Manning; 21 pages.
- Story and cover reprinted in Magnus, Robot Fighter (1963) #41.
"The Crystal Crawler" featuring the Aliens.
- Story written and illustrated by Russ Manning; 4 pages.