Wonder Woman in "The Sinister Simon Slickery"
Written by William Moulton Marston, penciled & inked by Harry G. Peter.
Reprinted in Wonder Woman Archives #2.
13 pages.
Black Pirate and Son in "Captured by Flint"
Penciled & inked by Sheldon Moldoff.
8 pages.
Gay Ghost in "The Fake Haunting Sting"
Penciled & inked by Howard Purcell.
9 pages.
Tippie in "Foresight"
Written, penciled & inked by Edwina Dumm.
Reprinted from newspaper strip.
2 pages.
Flying Colors with "100 Years!!"
Written by John M. Jenks, penciled & inked by Martin Naydel.
1 page.
Mr. Terrific in "Mr. Terrific Took a Vacation"
Written by Ted Udall, penciled & inked by Hal Sharp.
7 pages.
Hal Mason in "The Little Girl's Secret, Part 2"
Written by Evelyn Gaines.
2 pages.
Little Boy Blue in "Robbery at the Country Club"
Penciled & inked by Joe Gallagher.
6 pages.
Wildcat in "The Strange Case of Joe Jarrett"
Penciled by Irwin Hasen & inked by Jon Chester Kozlak.
10 pages.
Cover art by Harry G. Peter.