"A Penny for a Black Star" continued from Teen Titans (1966) #25 and continues in Teen Titans (1966) #27. First appearance of Malcolm "Mal" Duncan.
*After training in Mr. Jupiter's survival course (located on the secret 13th floor of a city skyscraper), the former Teen Titans are assigned to a field exercise: to survive in "Hell's Corner," a tough inner-city neighborhood, with only a penny apiece to their names. Menaced by the Hell's Hawks street gang and unable to fight back without abandoning their new pacifist beliefs, the Titans are rescued by the intervention of Mal. Taking jobs in Hell's Corner, the Titans encounter Mal again at an amateur boxing event where he beats Storm Trooper, the leader of the Hell's Hawks. Mal is recruited by the Titans and joins Mr. Jupiter's program, but feeling unworthy, tries to prove himself by stowing away aboard an experimental rocket flight. *Source: Official Teen Titans Index #2 - Published by ICG