". . . No one Was Watching the Watcher?"
"What If... Thanos Changed Galactus Into a Human Being"
"What If... Dr. Doom Was a Pediatrician"
"What If... Wolverine Hibernated"
"What If... You Were Spider-Man...You'd be Dead You're No Super-hero"
"What If... You Were the Red Skull... You Wouldn't be Dead But You'd Wish You Were"
"What If... The Punisher Was a Hall Monitor"
"What If... Galactus Fought Ant-Man"
"What If... Spider-Man Fought the Trapster"
"What If.. Spider-Man Had a Son... Adventures in Spider-Baby-Sitting"
"What If... Sue Storm Had Become the Visible Girl"
"What If... Marvel Published Nursery Rhymes"
"What If... Industrialist Tony Stark Owned a Chain of Laundromats"
"What If... Howard The Duck was a..."
"What If... Ant-Man Had a Picnic"
"What If... The Leader Decided to Buy a Hat"
"What If... Storm Was an Air Traffic Controller"
"What If... The Punisher was a Stern, Yet Fatherly Type"
"What If... Ghost Rider Fell Asleep"
"What If... Frank Castle Had Died... But His Family Had Lived, They'd be the Punisher Family"