Superman in "Zigi and Zagi's Trap for Superman!"
Written by Leo Dorfman, penciled & inked by Jim Mooney.
14 pages.
A text article "Supergirl's Boyfriends"
*A half-page text article.
Supergirl in "Supergirl's Choice of Doom!"
Written by Leo Dorfman, penciled & inked by Jim Mooney.
*Supergirl falls under a hypnotic trance when she tries to stop an inter-stellar beast. Now she finds herself compelled by a mental command which has ordering her to destroy either Superman or her father Zor-El.(Note: This story runs through Action Comics #310, 314, 315 and 316.)
10 pages.
An untitled Jerry the Jitterbug strip.
Written, penciled & inked by Henry Boltinoff.
*Jerry takes Jean to what he hopes is a "low-cost" dinner.
1 page.
Cover art by Curt Swan.