An untitled Blue Beetle story.
Penciled & inked by Al Carreno.
Death from Scrag.
10 pages.
An untitled Blue Beetle story.
Penciled & inked by Al Carreno.
Kober's Lightning Weapon.
10 pages.
An untitled Blue Beetle story.
Penciled & inked by Al Carreno.
Case of the Missing Blueprint.
10 pages.
An untitled Blue Beetle story.
Written by Charles Nicholas.
The Beetle's New Powers.
Reprinted from Blue Beetle newspaper strip (March 18 - April 4, 1940).
14 pages.
Blue Beetle in "The Blue Beetle and the Hi-Jack Combine"
Written by NAthaniel Nitkin (signed as N.N. Nathaniel).
A text story.
2 pages.
An untitled Dr. Fung story.
Penciled & inke dby Bob Powell (signed as Arthur Dean).
The Oasis of Li-Wang.
Reprinted from Wonder Comics (1939) #1.
6 pages.
An untitled Lt. Drake story.
Penciled & inked by Klaus Nordling (signed as F. Klaus).
Big-Shot Krad's Dope Ring.
Reprinted from Mystery Men Comics (1939) #5.
5 pages.
Zanzibar in "In the Underworld of Paris"
Penciled & inked by George Tuska.
Reprinted from Mystery Men Comics (1939) #4.
3 pages.