Superman in "The Juvenile Delinquents from Space!"
Written by Leo Dorfman, penciled & inked by Jim Mooney.
*Superman encounters a pair of brothers from a planet in the Alpha Centauri system, who have accidentally landed on Earth and have no concept of how to behave in Earth's society. (This story continues in Action Comics #316.)
13 pages.
Supergirl in "The Origin of Super-Horse"
Penciled & inked by Jim Mooney.
*Quarter page text article detailing the Origin of Comet the Super-Horse.
Supergirl in "The Menace of Supergirl's Mother!"
Written by Leo Dorfman, penciled & inked by Jim Mooney.
*The loss of Linda as her daughter has put an incredible strain on Edna Danvers' mind. She has plans to do away with both Zor-El and Allura to get her daughter back. (Note: This story runs through Action Comics #310, 314, 315 and 316).
10 pages.
Cover art by Curt Swan.