"Ashes to Ashes"
1st full appearance of The Actor and Adam.
Lois Lane appears as a tv news reporter in a two panel cameo.
32 pages: 22 of story & art, 2 of poster, 4 of ads, 4 of letters & creator columns
This issue includes:
- Lazarus DelSantiago wearing a Sin City hat and a driver wearing an Evil Ernie hat
- a centerfold poster of Ash by Jim Lee (later used in the 1997 Ash trading card set as card #53)
- A scene from Scarface and a scene from The Day the Earth Stood Still
- advertisements for WildC.A.T.s by Alan Moore and Travis Charest, Ash #5, Lady Rawhide #1 and Comic Cavalcade
Event Shopping Channel offers in this issue:
- a Full-Color Ash Poster MSRP: $6.00
- Ash Limited Edition Lithograph of Ash #1's cover (1/1500) MSRP: $29.95
- Ash #1 Connoisseur's Kit: a signed copy of #1 with a Kid Death litho (1/1995) MSRP: $24.95
The front half of the cover art from this issue was later used in the 1997 Ash trading card set as card #4.