Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder in "The New-Model Batman"
Criminal inventor Wallace Whaley gets out of prison and begins turning out inventions by which crooks can counter Batman's equipment, and one super-weapon he intends to use himself.
10 pages.
Binky in "How to Spend a Summer Week!"
Written by Jack Schiff, penciled & inked by Win Mortimer.
A public service announcement.
1 page.
John Jones Manhunter from Mars in "The Great Earth-Mars Mystery"
Penciled & inked by Joe Certa.
6 pages.
"Routine Check-Up"
Written by Jack Miller.
a text story.
2 pages.
Roy Raymond TV Detective in "The Magic Tablecloth"
Written by Jack Miller, penciled & inked by Ruben Moreira.
6 pages.
Cover art by Sheldon Moldoff.