An untitled Doll Man story.
Penciled & inked by John Celardo.
9 pages.
An untitled Rance Keane story.
Written, penciled & inked by Bill Smith.
4 pages.
An untitled Big Top story.
Penciled & inked by John Devlin.
1 page.
An untitled Samar story.
Penciled & inked by Nick Cardy.
5 pages.
Poison Ivy in "Vote for Sardini or Else"
Written, penciled & inked by Gill Fox.
2 pages.
An untitled Ace of Space story.
Written by Henry Taylor, penciled & inked by Harry Campbell.
5 pages.
Zero, Ghost Detective in "The Spell of the Albatross"
Written by Toni Blum (signed as Noel Fowler), penciled & inked by Charles Sultan.
5 pages.
An untitled Lala Palooza story.
Penciled & inked by John Devlin.
2 pages.
Dusty Dane in "Seven Seas Cafe"
Written, penciled & inked by Vern Henkel.
4 pages.
Spin Shaw in "Unites States Fleet Leaves for Two-Day Makeover"
Written, penciled & inked by Witmer Williams.
5 pages.
Captain Bruce Blackburn, Counterspy in "Kids of Calamity"
Written, penciled & inked by Harry Campbell.
5 pages.
Perry Scott in "Mediterranean Madness"
Written by Robert M. Hyatt.
A text story.
2 pages.
Untitled Mickey Finn strips.
Written, penciled & inked by Lank Leonard.
Reprinted newspaper strips.
4 pages.
An untitled Rusty Ryan story.
Written, penciled & inked by Paul Gustavson.
4 pages.
An untitled Homer Doodle and Son story.
Written, penciled & inked by Arthur Beeman.
2 pages.
An untitled Reynolds of the Mounted story.
Written, penciled & inked by Art Pinajian.
4 pages.
Cover art by Will Eisner.