*Metahuman profiler Hunter Zolomon comes to Keystone City to begin working with Chyre and Morillo; he arrives in the midst of a murderous spree by the newly escaped Murmur. The three of them work with the Flash to predict Murmur's next action - an attack on a radio station where he used to answer callers' questions. Flash, Chyre and Morillo race to the scene and prevent at least one murder and the release of airborne Anthrax. They are also confronted by Girder and Magenta, who trash the place before vanishing into a window, probably with the help of the Mirror Master.
Elsewhere, Blacksmith organizes her new Rogues in their master plan, while from afar the Thinker watches it all and thinks of how Keystone will belong utterly to him. *Source: dcuguide.com
"Flash Facts"
"Moments too Late"
*While Agent Hansen and Dr Collins are assigned to capture Grodd, Chase is assigned to Keystone both to check up on rumors of missing alien hardware and to talk to the Flash. When it comes down to it, the Flash visits her in New York, where he tells her to beware of Grodd, because intelligent as he may be, he's also an animal.
When Grodd arrives in America sooner than expected, Hansen and his team are hurried into action, not long before Chase receives information on Grodd's activities - experimentation on wildlife and devastating bacterial advances. She may have the information too late to warn her colleagues... *Source: dcuguide.com
Also includes 7 "Who's Who" pages.