"Air-Pirates of Mars, Chapter 7: Dejah Thoris Lives!"
While John Carter writhes feverishly on a sick bed, wracked with injuries received from his beating by an irate Red Martian mob... many miles away, his wife, Dejah Thoris is mistreated and mocked at the hands of an envious serving wench.
Gargan, an exiled Helium soldier plays the gallant knight to the damsel's distress. Dejah is ruthless in exploiting Gargan's affections; thus massaging his ego and simultaneously stirring his libido. Gargan takes the bait, much to his brief regret.
Time to cut loose from her prison, and Dejah dispatches enemy Martians of disparate races. She ends up stowing away in a cruiser destined to join the battle for the Atmosphere Factory outside Helium.
Dejah's father, Mors Kajak mans the last line of resistance for all Barsoom if the life-sustaining Atmosphere Factory can be won back from Stara Kan's forces.
Lightning war lights the sky above the Atmosphere Factory. Dejah makes her move and commandeers her cruiser, firing on other enemy ships. Mors Kajak's men start to wilt when the air-processing plant suffers critical damage and oxygen thins.
News that Dejah Thoris is alive and embroiled in the air battle for the future of the air-processing plant works better than any doctor's remedy. JC springs from his bed like a man resurrected. Eager to have his say in the fray.
Reunited at last, John and Dejah stand side-by-side mowing down the tide of Green Men amassed before them. While the world falls apart around them, they see only each other. And that is enough, for now.