The new team of seedlings is taken to Iraq to act as security guards. An attack from the super-powered group Heaven's Fist leads to a situation that is beyond what these new StormWatch recruits can handle. The original team is gathered and called back into action to help. However, the new team suffers their first fatality before the veterans arrive.
Also contains the backup story, "Synergy".
Synergy goes to meet former Stormforce member, Melanie Fulbright. To her surprise, Providence is there as well. She has told Melanie that if her latent super-human abilities are not activated soon, her entire family will be killed. Providence then tells Synergy that with Melanie's activation, while her family will live, she will become the most powerful being on the planet. She will also become the most ruthless, and her rage will lead to the death of hundreds of thousands. Synergy is left with a difficult descision.