"The Return of Taboo!"
Mankind had thought they were rid of the menace of Taboo when they detonated the device that Taboo had taken back to his home planet, but now fragments of his living mud body are reassembling themselves, and he is out for vengeance. When his brethren arrive, mankind is sure of their impending doom, but they have only come to collect Taboo to take him home.
-Story drawn by Jack Kirby, and inked by Dick Ayers; 7 pages (T-809).
-Reprinted from Strange Tales (1951) #77.
"The Strange Magic of Master Khan!"
A sea captain spies the Dragon ship belonging to Master Khan, and schemes to make it his. Despite the rumors of Khan's sorcery, the captain takes the ship in an act of piracy that he will eternally regret.
-Story illustrated by Steve Ditko; 5 pages (T-796).
-Reprinted from Strange Tales (1951) #77.
"We Met in the Swamp!"
A reporter goes to the Black Swamp to interview a hermit who watches the skies for the return of alien scouts, whom the hermit had aided decades ago when the aliens crashed their ship. The reporter leaves disbelieving.
- Story penciled by Jack Kirby, and inked by Steve Ditko; 5 pages (T-473).
-Reprinted from Tales to Astonish (1959) #7.
"I Lived a Ghost Story!"
A man is eager to buy an old abandoned house at the edge of town, but the broker tries to talk him out of it claiming that it is haunted. The man insists, but after spending a night there, sees the truth. What he didn't know is that the broker is one of the house's residents.
-Story illustrated by Paul Reinman; 4 pages (T-477).
-Reprinted from Tales to Astonish (1959) #7.
Cover reprinted from Strange Tales (1951) #77.