"Let There Be Battle!"
Namor watches Hulk's fate from the safety of Atlantis and imagines that the Hulk would make for a powerful ally against the surface world. Meanwhile, the Puppet Master has also seen the Hulk's fate, and desiring revenge against Namor for his prior defeat, makes a plan to bring the Hulk under his control and destroy Namor once and for all. He succeeds in awaking and freeing the Hulk. The epic battle takes place at the shore, giving Namor the chance he needs to periodically replenish his strength in the ocean, and to ultimately trap the Hulk in a vortex of water. This vortex also swamps the Puppet Master's base, removing his control over the Hulk. The Hulk reverts to Banner, and the Sub-Mariner has no taste for fighting a mere mortal.